Givin Gifts Logo
We have deployed a new major version of the platform (v7). In order to log in, you will need to reset your password.

Changes to how we deal with no gift.

Posted by Ethereal on November 5, 2021 at 12:00 AM UTC.

We don't always get things right, and the way we dealt with gifts not being marked as received or sent for batch 1 is one of them.

So, moving forward - we're going to change the way our automated process works. How we contact people in relation to it, etc.

The new process is as follows:

1. 1 day after shipping deadline. Gifter is emailed if a gift has not been marked as shipped.

2. 7 days after shipping deadline. If there is no verifiable tracking or shipping proof, or a gift is simply not marked as shipped, we contact the giftee asking them to confirm whether or not they have received a gift.

3. 3 days after the second stage. We contact the gifter informing them that their giftee has stated they have not received a gift, that we have no verifiable proof of shipping and that in 96 hours they will be temporarily suspended from signing up to new exchanges until the situation is resolved.

4. After 96 hours, we will temporarily suspend those people who have either not marked a gift as shipped or provided valid proof of shipping. This will not apply to those people who reach out to us and explain the situation.

5. 24 hours after the fourth stage, people are put into the rematch pool - and rematchers are provided with the details of who they are sending to.