Givin Gifts Logo
We have deployed a new major version of the platform (v7). In order to log in, you will need to reset your password.

Latest updates.

Posted by Ethereal on September 26, 2021 at 12:00 AM UTC.

So, there have been a number of updates to the platform.

  • We have moved to Amazon Web Services for our infrastructure.
  • Current exchanges on the homepage will display a small box with a tick if you are signed up to it.
  • Profile update errors are now properly logged so we can investigate things better if something goes boom.
  • Exchange signup statistics are now on the home page.
  • We have implemented the ability for users to select other languages using a dictionary based pairing system for our content. However, we currently have no other languages so you won't see the dropdown! We're working on getting things translated.
  • Backend changes, FAR TOO MANY TO LIST.
  • As a part of our commitment to offering value to platform users, we now have a Logistics function available on the site (just click Logistics in the nav bar). Via our partnership with a number of carriers, we're able to offer you discounted shipping rates. Currently, this option is only available to people shipping from the United States - we're working on adding more countries! As more and more people use this service, we'll be able to offer better discounts.
  • We have archived the entirety of the reddit gifts gallery. Every post. Every image. We've reached out to reddit to see if we'll be able to display trophies, etc for historical purposes once they're shut down.
  • The maximum filesize upload of a profile avatar image has been raised from 2MB to 8MB.