Givin Gifts Logo
We have deployed a new major version of the platform (v7). In order to log in, you will need to reset your password.

Bug fixes and changes.

Posted by Ethereal on October 6, 2021 at 12:00 AM UTC.

  • Fixed a bug where images were being rotated upon gallery upload... :D.
  • Fixed a bug where if you changed your exchange preferences on an exchange that had not been matched yet, it would give you an error despite still saving your preferences.
  • Fixed a bug where an invalid URL was being provided on the link from a 'your gift has been received' email.
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong people were getting an email when a gallery post was made. This doesn't impact anything in terms of experience granted.
  • You'll now receive your experience when a giftee marks their gift as received and a gallery post is generated. Don't worry, there's still the route of shipping proof, etc - if they never make a post.
  • As a part of our metrics, we now have an optional addition to the Mark As Shipped form where you can enter how much a gift cost, and how much shipping was. This is only used for anonymized averages.
  • Premium users are now able to select premium only matching.
  • The gallery view has changed. You are now able to browse the gallery by exchange. In addition, 16 gifts are now displayed per page.
  • Fixed a bug where the next exchange panel on the right of the side showed an in-progress exchange.
  • You will now receive an email when your gifter has retrieved your details.
  • You will now receive an email when your gift has been posted to the gallery.
  • You are now able to upload proof of shipping from the exchange overview page.
  • Your gifter will now be emailed when you update your exchange preferences.
  • Your gifters on any open exchanges will now be emailed when you update your account details (e.g. address).
  • As requested, once your gifter has marked your gift as shipped - you'll now see a little info box appear on the actions panel of the exchange page.
  • The latest gallery posts are now displayed on the home page. In addition, new lines now display accurately on messages.
  • Retrieving a match will now show a link to their public profile.
  • Social media is now available on a public profile.