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- 1.Sign up for an exchange
- 2.Get matched
- 3.Send a gift to somebody
- 4.Receive a gift from somebody
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Happy Holidays (2024)
Closes Nov 11
This is the reason you're really here, our super awesome annual Happy Holidays exchange! It's almost the season for cheer and good will, so come join us in spreading it around.
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It's been a while since we've done this, but we need your support. We are an organisation staffed entirely by volunteers, with a minimal amount of inc
How much should I spend on an exchange?
Each exchange will have a minimum value set, and this can be seen on each exchange page. This minimum does not include shipping costs.
Will I be gifting to the same person who is gifting to me?
Quite simply? No! In very rare cases, this might occur - but we'd have to have less than 4 people in a matching block.
I didn't receive a gift, what should I do?
You have to wait 5 days after the shipping deadline listed on the exchange to report not receiving a gift. If your gifter has not submitted approved shipping proof, they will be suspended and you will be entered into the rematch pool.